Welcome to Rise & Shine
By Sandra D. Bricker
Meet Shannon her Aunt Mary, Aunt Lora and Aunt Lonna
2005: Imagine a chance to slip away from the office, phones and busyness of life. Take a journey across the deep blue sea to Bega Lagoon, Fiji. The sand sparkles, there is a warm breeze and as the palm trees sway to the sound of soft music Not only has Shannon arrived in secluded paradise she has married her beloved Edmund. This is where Shannon finds herself in August of 2005 starting her honeymoon. As Rise and Shine starts they are enjoying breakfast, having enjoyed magical massages and now are preparing to go diving. But a tragic accident would forever change the course of their lives.
She enjoys pizza and burgers but has a new love for cooking gourmet food. She learned to make spinach fandango, salmon with ginger glaze, chili rellenos casserole and corn salsa. So she’d developed a new appreciation for interesting cuisine and a taste for strong coffee. She loves old recipes like the one passed down from Grandma Malone for small cheese and egg omelets baked into muffin tins, served warm with blueberry compote and tender, flaky biscuits.
Just like any princess she loves the color purple. Shannon and Aunt Mary talk about as a little girl how she loved purple and had to have a purple room and for her fifth or sixth birthday she had to have a purple tiara because purple was a royal color and every princess should be surrounded in purple. She knows she was a graphic designer but is not sure where it was she worked or if that was something she would go back too.
Shannon knows she used to like water but since the accident she has a fear of water. She also knows she had a strong faith in God at one time. And now has a deep desire to make God her everything once again.
And they Lived Happily Ever After
“She opened the book and flipped to the last page, just to make sure the snoozing princess actually had a happy ending. Spotting the magic words, happily ever after, she sighed. “Well, that’s a relief, at least.”
Aunt Mary, Aunt Lora, and Aunt Lonna
Shannon has three good fairies. They are her three aunts who have made her well-being and care their main concern, especially her favorite aunt, Aunt Mary. She has loved and given Shannon a happy home. Aunt Mary has been actively involved in her care all those years, always believing Shannon would wake. She continued to help care for Shannon through her recovery, allowing her to cry, laugh and support her. Aunt Mary even cares for her when she returns home and into the big bad world. She joins Shannon on her first wild ride in a car as she relearns to drive. Prepares her house for her and makes her a cross stitch of her favorite scripture, Jeremiah 29:11 “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Then she has the twins, Aunt Lora, who is tiny and round with jet-black hair with a face that looks like she’s been sucking on something really sour. Aunt Lonna looks more like Aunt Mary, only tiny and round like Lora. When she smiles, her eyes disappear into straight slits across her face.

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