However, Callie's idyllic life is interrupted when a body is discovered on the road outside Kingdom and the deceased turns out to be a victim of a serial killer. As Washington County's new sheriff begins questioning Kingdom residents, Callie and the rest of the town are appalled at the prospect of a killer among them. The very reason Kingdom exists is to protect the people from the temptations and dangers of the outside world, but all the town founders' attempts to plan ahead couldn't prevent a threat like this.
Unsettled at this unforeseen danger, Callie is concerned when it appears Levi knows more than he's telling. Desperate to find answers for herself, Callie never expected that she'd have to face some of her own past's skeletons.
As Callie and the residents of Kingdom fear this danger for which they never planned, they must learn anew that only God knows the future and their trust must always lie in Him.
My review of Unforseeable: Unforeseeable, Road to Kingdom Series by Nancy Mehl
Callie Hoffman has loved Levi Housler since grade school but thought he had never noticed her. She is now newly engaged to him. Levi is the newly appointed Mennonite pastor, some parishioners think he is to young to be pastor. It seems a serial killer has targeted their secluded community. "Murder and meatloaf just don't go together," Lizzie grumbled in the restaurant Callie was employed at. Can the newly appointed Sherriff protect the people of Kingdom? It seems not when the killer gets too close. Now they are pointing fingers at Levi. Callie has noticed some changes in Levi and she is questioning his love. Will they survive this test? The author Nancy Mehl has done a magnificent job keeping me guessing as to who has done it. She has interweaved faith among the action and suspense of this Christian Romantic Suspense Fiction. This is the third book in her Road to Kingdom series, I know if you pick it up you will enjoy it as much as I have.
Nancy Mehl has been a writer for over twenty years. The author of fourteen books, with two scheduled to be released in 2013. She was first published in 2001. You will find a little something extra special in Nancy’s books, she shares a little of her faith. Her and hubby Norman call Wichita, Kansas home but hope to join their son and his family in Missouri soon. Every good author needs a muse to inspire and help with all their writing and work that goes on behind the scenes. Nancy is no different her muse just happens to have four legs and a tail, her puggle Watson. I had to know more about her furry friend,Watson, so I asked if she could share a little about him. Her reply was, "Watson, Oh, my. He's a special little boy. There are things he absolutely hates: Plastic bags, tin foil and flies. I don't understand the first two, but I'm with him on the last one. He doesn't like anyone to touch ANYTHING that belongs to him. His toys, his crate or his leash. He LOVES going for walks, doggie treats and his people. That's what we are, you know. The truth is, we don't own him. He owns us."
Nancy Mehl is a fairly new author to me. I stumbled upon one of her books about a year or so ago. Although I have not had the pleasure of reading all her books, the ones I have read gave me courage to grow, inspired greater faith and gave the feeling of walking with the characters. I have really enjoyed getting to read her books and getting to know her. I am lucky to call Nancy a friend and sister in Christ.
I was able to ask Nancy what her favorite scripture was and she said "I love all scripture, but one of my favorites is Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I love this because so many people don't realize that they are special to God. God has a plan for all of us as individuals, and NO ONE can fill our role the way we can. I use my writing to encourage people to seek God's will for their lives. His plans are always exciting and fulfilling!" When asked how God has worked in her life lately, she said, "God works in my life every day. He's amazing! One example: Even though I wanted our house to sell earlier this year, he made us wait. Although it was frustrating, now I see why He did that. The timing is perfect in so many ways. He is so good!"
God uses each of us everyday in some way or somehow, but I was cuourious as to how he uses her as a writer and author. She told me, "I think God uses me to encourage people - to let them know they're not wandering generalities. They are unique, special, and loved."
If you have not had the oppertunity to read one of Nancy Mehl's books you are really missing out. You need to check out the first two in The Road to Kingdom series, Inescapable and Unbreakable. She also has some other great books available.
Nancy's Blog
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