On A Ring & A Prayer: A Jessie Stanton Novel - Book 1 by Sandra D. Bricker
Christian Fiction
ISBN 978-1426711602
Abingdon Press
Jessie Stanton had it all. She had the mansion, husband and any martial possessions every girl dreams of. After fourteen years of marriage she witnesses her car being towed, her credit cards are declined and her husband and his belonging are gone. He has left her homeless and taken anything with value. I laughed with her and my heart broke for her but she is one resilient chic. She handles each and every bump in the road with grace and dignity. She finds hope when things look hopeless. The ending took me by surprise, so book 2 best not be far behind.
Sandra D. Bricker has done it again, with this 5 star book. She has a way of writing entertaining stories and interweaving faith throughout. She is one of my favorite authors. I highly recommend this book and any other she has written. If I learned anything from this book it is, possessions are just that things. What really matters is friendships and faith.
I want to give a high-five to the author Sandra D. Bricker and publisher Abingdon Press for bringing compelling Christian books that are entertaining and give hope to the reader with stories of faith. I was provided with this book in exchange for my honest review and I am so grateful for the authors and publishers generosity.
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